
And we're off....


Last week a friend and I were talking about how it is not even Halloween yet and Christmas decorations are already out in many stores! Every year it seems like the holiday hype gets going sooner and sooner. Adults are already shopping, and children are being held off with the phrase "maybe Santa will bring it..."

Last year, around this time, Brandon and I went through a very tough time financially. It forced us to take a step back and remember what Christmas was all about. We analized how we celebrated Christmas, what traditions we could start, and most importantly how we could glorify the birth of our Savior. We got creative and had a wonderful Christmas.

Here were some of the things we did last year...

- We bought wood stars (10/$1 @ Dollar Tree), painted them white, wrote the names of family/friends/ministries on the stars and hung them on our tree. Each day we would choose a new star to pray and thank God for.

- Instead of buying gifts for our friends we threw a "Polar Express" party. We all wore our pajamas, decorated cookies, drank cider, had Polar Express playing in the background, and then read the book.

- The kids received 3 gifts symbolizing the 3 kings

- Read the story of the birth of Christ on Christmas Eve.

Our new friends, The Carruths, posted a blog about the Advent Conspiracy, and I'm definitely feeling challenged.

THE VIDEO (couldn't get video to imbed)

What are some traditions that you and your family do to celebrate the birth Jesus?


Aina Carruth said...

An advent calendar- we have a different Scripture that we open in the little door (1-25) everyday until Christmas.